Convert WordPress to Blogger

Convert Wordpress blog to Blogger Blog

Do you wanted to move your blog from wordpress to blogger..!!
Here is simply online Utility , by which you can convert your wordpress blogg to blogger.
Simple Steps invlove for this process.

Application Link

  1. Instructions
    Login to your WordPress account and navigate to the Dashboard for the blog that you'd like to transfer to Blogger.
  2. Click on the Manage tab below the Blog name.
  3. Click on the Export link below the Manage tab.
  4. Download the WordPress WXR export file by clicking on Download Export File.
  5. Save this file to your local machine.
  6. Browse to that saved document with the form below and click Convert.
  7. Save this file to your local machine. This file will be the contents of your posts/comments from WordPress in a Blogger export file.
  8. Login to your Blogger or create a new user.
  9. Once logged in, click on the Create a Blog link from the user dashboard, and then click on the Import Blog Tool
    Follow the instructions and upload your Blogger export file when prompted.
  10. After completing the import wizard, you should have a set of imported posts from WordPress that you can now publish to Blogger. Have fun!

What is Forex | Foreign Exchange

Before i write this article let me tell u why i am writting this article. I am a web surfer i nearly surf more than 200 different web pages dailly.
For the last one Year , i was to much familliar with the word Forex or Forex Tradding some what like these terms. But today i thought of my self what is this i am seeing in many pages like these keywords Forex Currency Trade , Forex market and So on..

Today i search for what is forex and the Best of all wikipedia told me what the forex is..

So , FOREX stands for Foreign Exchange , Started in around 1970
Bsically it is a currency tradding system , through which one country currency may converted into another country currency , and now a days its one of the leading buisness of world know buisness companies.
Mainly it operate through huge network of banks , it have no centralized physicall structure and running from bank worldwide.

Forex transactions typically involve one party purchasing a quantity of one currency in exchange for paying a quantity of another

Top 10 currency traders May 2008 from wikipedia
Deutsche Bank


Barclays Capital


Royal Bank of Scotland



Lehman Brothers

Goldman Sachs

Morgan Stanley

Forex Tradding is too easy to learn , you can become profitable tradder and can use your DUMB money into Profit.
Some of the things are collected from this article in wikipedia
and other are from different source ( newspaper, magazines)
From here you can make forex demo account and see how Forex Work

Vista Mouse Pointer Download

Download Vista Style Mouse Pointer for Windows XP.
The New icons have crisped look over trendy windows XP mouse pointer icons.
Recently i added vista icons and Vista Drive Icon too for you. Vista Graphic are too much better..!!!


Change Background of Folder

Yes you can change the background of any folder.
This trick is not windows Xp and Vista
If u are using windows 98 / 2000 / ME
You can use this trick..
First U have to create desktop.ini and edit that file. Go to any folder and aplly these steps

1.right click on the blank space in the folder. properties-->customize "change icon" and select any icon and then ok.

Now enable the Hidden folder view from Folder Option in Control Panel. And open desktop.ini file and Update it with the following code
